Our Programs
1. Rationalization:
Guiding the individual and helping him discover his personal abilities and cognitive interests, in addition to the obstacles that stand in the way of building and expressing his personality, and communicating with others. It is directed to all age groups, especially childhood.
2. Framing:
Studying training needs and framing them into a long training program built on multiple and diverse levels and courses that can be measured and evaluated.
3. Skilling:
It aims to provide a broad base of skills that are essentially suitable for many specializations or businesses, as well as to qualify beginners to acquire practical skills with the aim of practicing the profession. It aims to establish the correct concepts of work and the safe steps to perform it with the highest possible productivity.
4. Professionalization:
Qualification and vocational training are a method of keeping pace with the cognitive and technical development that the individual must be provided with. It has become necessary for him to follow up on the achievements of these developments and select for himself knowledge and experiences that will benefit him in his field of work, and that will satisfy his own desires for a certain science. The concept of vocational training is currently considered one of the main pillars of sustainable development and the knowledge economy with all its technical progress that includes all fields. The correct understanding of this term guides the training department and directs it to the elements of success in business performance, and strengthens the interconnection between these elements. Vocational training is concerned with the information that is given to an individual so that he can practice a specific job, whether it is medical, health, administrative, engineering, legal, educational, or other various fields, and it can be done through methods of education and professional qualifying training. The philosophy of vocational rehabilitation emerged with the drive to build a sustainable knowledge economy that keeps pace with the major, accelerating developments in the world as a whole. This philosophy is based on respecting, appreciating and dealing with the individual as a self-contained unit, and recognizing his ability to adapt and be flexible in relation to the work situations in which he exists.
Vocational rehabilitation aims to benefit from the individual’s abilities and potentials and help him regain his ability to compete and produce. It also works to develop the individual’s self-confidence and independence. He innovates and builds; Because he is looking to invest all the capabilities and resources that will ensure achieving what he aims for. As for vocational training, it leads to sufficient knowledge of the work, correcting misconceptions and meeting development requirements. Thus improving the performance of human resources in all their specializations and fields. Perhaps the combination between qualification and vocational training exists and is logically acceptable, as both seek to enable the individual to acquire the professional skill that helps him meet the professional requirements of work, so that he can compete with others in the professional field.
Vocational rehabilitation and training programs can contribute to providing continuous learning opportunities for adults through new approaches to training that these programs can use, in addition to the types of these programs. There is a strong relationship linking vocational rehabilitation and training with adult education and continuing learning. Qualification and vocational training have become an important part of the plans of institutions, whether productive or service, to raise the level of efficiency of their human resources, improve their performance, and keep them in constant communication with new developments, in order to reach a high degree of productivity with great effectiveness and efficiency.
Justifications for Qualification & Vocational Training:
- The increasing and rapid growth of knowledge, or what is known as the knowledge explosion represented by achievements, inventions, mastery of industries, and other scientific and technical products.
- Striving to provide the best, because the philosophy of vocational rehabilitation is based on creation and construction, and refers to improving the quality of performance.
- Keeping up with what is happening in the world in terms of renewal and change. The ease of the flow of information, through means of communication and information networks, has made the vast world full of achievements a small world in its events and accomplishments, and it is no longer possible to isolate what is happening in it.
- Professions changed, as previously known professions disappeared and became obsolete, and new professions that were not known before appeared, in return.
- Providing continuous learning opportunities for adults who wish to raise the level of their culture, to continue their education, to expand and to adapt to the new reality.
- Satisfying the individual’s desires and inclinations, helping him discover his hidden capabilities and abilities, and enhancing his self-confidence.
- Developing and developing renewed thinking in the individual.
5. Developing Professional Language Skills for Special Purposes:
- Grammatical competence (correctness of linguistic performance and grammatical integrity).
- Social competence (suitability of the social context to the communication process).
- Strategic competence (employing discourse and communication strategies).
Equivalency of Certificates:
Based on the vision of Midmak International Academy that learning is the right of everyone, and that continuous learning based on skills is what the Arab labor market needs, it adopted the program (My Experiences Are Equivalent to a Certificate) to dedicate to the principle of learning acquired from previous experiences. The new mechanism grants individuals with previous experience certificates in their fields, after evaluating all the skills and knowledge they acquired outside the formal learning and training environment that have not yet been recognized.
According to the philosophy of the program – which aims to support the idea of continuous learning – previous learning and experiences will be approved based on the evaluation results, and the applicant will be granted a number of credit hours if he successfully passes the requirements for obtaining those credit hours of relevant knowledge and skills stipulated in the job description. Program vocabulary.
In accordance with the laws regulating the work of Midmak International Academy, and the conditions for its approval by the administration, the Scientific Council at Midmak International Academy has the right to accept applications from those wishing to join the program (My Experiences Are Equivalent to a Certificate) to run for a professional certificate in the specializations of their fields of work, in accordance with the laws regulating the Scientific Council, among whom are available They have professional experience of not less than (four years) in the same field as a minimum for admission to the professional diploma, and more than (four years) for master’s and doctoral programs, provided that they meet the previous requirement.
Required Documents:
- A copy of academic certificates or their equivalent certified by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in the enrollee’s country.
- A colored copy of a valid passport.
- A colored copy of the national ID card.
- A recent colored personal photo (3×4).
- A copy of the training courses and the authority issuing them.
- A CV in Arabic and English according to the approved electronic form.
- An experience certificate from the entity where he works, explaining his practical, professional, and personal history, along with a statement of his skills, competencies, positions or tasks he held, and the degree of his evaluation by the human resources official or direct manager.
Credibility of Certificates:
- The authenticity of certificates issued by Midmak International Academy can be verified through the graduate’s membership, the certificate number and the QR of the certificate.
- The certificate is certified by official authorities, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and embassies and ministries in the country to which the member belongs.
- First, log in to the certificate equivalency section.
- Click on Create a new account.
- Click on (Register a new account) in (Log in system – certificate equivalency).
- This step requires entering all the required information, such as: full name, date of birth, nationality, phone number, email address, password, and confirming the word. You must also take into account the conditions mentioned for entering the password.
- After completing data entry, a query icon appears at the bottom, which must be typed in this step.
- After that, you will receive a message on the number you entered with your data to activate the account safely.
- In addition to (requesting a degree equivalent certificate), you can specify the degree if this degree is a diploma, master’s, or doctorate, and in this step you must write all the information about the certificate.
- Then enter information about the transferred hours and all information related to the previous degree.
- All necessary files must be uploaded to the correct places to complete the certificate equivalency process at Midmak International Academy.
- Finally, click on (Send Request).